September 02, 2009

Chicago : a likelable City

I really like this City. Somehow the Millennium Park and its surrounding buildings remind me the Strand in Shanghai, well without the Chinese... I think it's got a more manageable dimension in a way than New York, larger avenues. Architecturally wise, obviously there are many astonishing sky scrapers as well as historic places. I went up 2 nights ago to the John Hancock Observatory. From the sky the Windy City - which takes this nickname from the politicians who were blowing useless speeches to get votes - appears very much like a sea resort. And thanks to the audio guide system you learn a lot on local history.
I had the opportunity to chat with several people living there. One of them told me he was originally from New York and came here 20 years ago because it's much more affordable and easy to make your dreams come true. And when I asked him about the winters, he said "yes they are horrible but it's OK". Someone else, born and bread in Chicago, and who could have had the opportunity to settle down in Japan, came back because "Chicago is home" and about the cold season said "no, it's not as bad as its reputation, maybe we get 2 or 3 days with O F. (more or less minus 14 C.) and a bit of snow now and then, but the frozen lake is so beautiful and white Christmas are so romantics. You just have to be prepared and well equipped."

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