January 31, 2011

My Ashby Years (2)

This first job was in Burton Upon Trent (Staffs), in a rather posh hotel & restaurant which I’ll call here The Duck. They agreed to employ me and to train me as a restaurant waiter. They had a staff house nearby and I had to share a room with an other French waiter, Pascal.

Pascal had started at The Duck 6 months previously without hardly being able to say 2 words in English. He was a very lively young man and quite excentric too. For instance he would play golf in the middle of our tiny lounge staff house. Pascal didn’t have a happy family life. Sometimes he would enter our bedroom in the middle of the night completely drunk and would tell me everything about his life…

At some stage it became intolorable for me to share a room with Pascal. I said to the manager that if I couldn’t have a room for myself I would give my resignation… Well it worked ! I did have my own room.

A very memorable episode was when the day before Pascal was going to go on holiday in France with his English girl-friend he woke us up complaining to have a very upset tommy. We rushed him to hospital. There the GP asked him what was the trouble. I had to translate that « He was in pain because his girl-friend had s… him too hard ! » With my house mates we were hoping that they would keep him overnight… they didn’t…

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