October 25, 2011

Short week end in Paris

I went over to Paris to see my niece. She's now walking and talking quite a bit, starting to be in her "parrot period". She's lovely.
T. was going to come over with me on Friday night and then he had some last minute families issues to deal with. As I wasn't sure if he would eventually be able or not to postpone the trip by a few hours I exchanged the Eurostar tickets and I went back to Nottingham where T. confirmed me over the phone that he could not make it. Therefore I caught the train back to London on Saturday morning...
I went straight to my brother's and we had a walk with G. at the Luxembourg Gardens. We then shared his famous "petit salé aux lentilles" before I went to my hotel at the foot of the Cité de la Musique. Sunday I met up with my friend D. We had lunch at Parc de la Villette and had a stroll in the Parc des Buttes Chaumont and the neighborhood. Buttes Chaumont is well known for its houses which has a "provincial" feel.

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