April 30, 2009

Song for the Farwell Party


Some enchanted evening, when you see a strange home, (Chorus)
When you see a strange home across an empty street
And somehow you know, you know even then,
That somewhere you’ll see it again and again.

Some enchanted evening, someone may be laughing,
You may hear him laughing across the empty hall
As strange as it seems, it’s only B watching a DVD


Some enchanted evening, someone may be « rrrgh » at you,
You may hear him « rrgh » at you across the empty landing,
As strange as it seems, it’s only M, saying good night to you.


Some enchanted evening, someone may be shouting « I’m so happy » across the empty kitchen
As strange as it seems, it’s only R delighted that you liked his home made biscuit.


Some enchanted evening, someone may be saying « you know perfectly well I will only have wild salmon from Scotland, nothing else
As strange as it seems, it’s only B’s cat B rabiting about his food.


Some enchanted evening, you may hear her pleading « don’t eat Patrick he’s so cute ! » across the crowded fridge
As strange as it seems, it’s only our artist Y.


Some enchanted evening, someone may be stating « well you know, I think I’m going to do spaghettis tonight « accross dark Ray’s room
As strange as it seems, it’s only J having a sudden inspiration.


Some enchanted evening, someone may be buzzing himself across a spotless stove.
As strange as it seems, it’s only B trying out a new recipe.


Some enchanted evening, when you find this strange place, when you feel it call you across an empty road
Then flee from it and don’t go inside or all through your life you may never dream alone.
Once you have found it, never let it get you, once you have found it, never let it get you !

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