November 10, 2009


I have tested "Vélomag" for you. What is it ? It is a bike share system. You can borrow a bike from one place to an other within Montpellier. If you have already a 12 months membership with the Montpellier Public Transport (TAM) it's free, you only need to register. Otherwise there are different options available. For more info see :
Last Friday I became a member. They gave me a magnetic card to use at the several velo-stations available in the city. Saturday night, my fridge was empty (for a change ?!) so I decided to go "down town" to have a "Japonese", the next tram was in the next 7 minutes. I thought : well, let's go there on a bike ! I took a bike at the nearest velo-station, between the swimming pool and the "médiathèque", very easy : I hold the membership card for a few minutes on a pad, the system recognized me - I put a grin on my face in case there was a video - and opened a box with files of keys, told me to pick up one key matching a bike (by #). I went to the bike designated, turned the key in the padlock to release the bike and off I went to the Comédie. There I tried to attach the bike at the velo-station. Even with the instructions sheet they gave me - I can be very clumsy - I couldn't and eventually broke the key inside the lock ! And then the velo-station wasn't working ! Arrrg.... I went on foot to the Antigone velo-station to give back the key. It's the same story : you get the box open with your card & they tell you to put the key back in a # hole.
I had to pay 15 € for the broken key !
Still I didn't give up : I used it again yesterday night and I didn't have any problem. You live and learn - well hopefully !

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