November 15, 2008

Jean Jaurès

From the Hutchinson Concise Encyclopedia 1991 Edition :
« Jaurès Jean Léon 1859-1914. French Socialist Politician. In 1893 he joined the Socialist Party, established a united party, and in 1904 founded the newspaper L’Humanité, becoming its editor until his assassination. »

Jaurès was from a middle class rural family in South West France.. He was a brilliant student and became a teacher in philosophy. He was elected Republican deputy at 26 years old and actually kept a seat at the National Assembly until his death. He was originally quite a moderate Republican even opposed to extremist ideas but gradually became a socialist defending the working class in their battle for a better life. Jaurès had a very important role in the 1905 law on the Seperation of the Churches and the State. From then on in towns and villages school teachers and clergymen had to be public enemies in most people’s minds…
JJ created the still going on newspaper « L’humanité » which since has been took over by the Communist Party. JJ was against the War and went as far as trying to provoke strikes both in Germany and in France to encourage the governements to negociate.
JJ was assasinated in Paris by the young nationalist Raoul Villain at the age of 55. This « Villain » was tried and acquitted !

In Montpellier where there is a long tradition of Socialism JJ had his sculpture soon after his death. And in 1941 some radicals and « villains » students pulled down the monument. In 1991 a copy of a sclupture from his birthplace was inaugurated by our local Socialist figure head : GF.
As for the square itself – named after JJ of course – in the Middle Ages there was a church. Nowdays it’s full of nice cafés and restaurants at middle class prices.

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